200 m∥L降至280 ms/L,NH;一N由3 200 n3Ig/L降至36 mg/L,TP由270 mg/L降至3.3
中圖分類號:X703;$216.4 文獻標識碼:A
Treatment Process of Anaerobically Digested Effluent
of Chicken Manurefor Meeting the Discharging Standard
Wang Feng Yan
Xiaonan Yang Haizhen
(State Key Laboratory ofPollution Control and
Resource Reuse,死倒Unitary。Shanghai 200092,Ch/na)
Abstract:To solve subsequent treating problems of
chicken farm biogas project slurry,a research was carried out on treatment
processes of anaerobically digested effluent of chicken manure for meeting the
discharging standard--a case study of treatment of CSTR fermentation tank
effluent of a biogas project.Based on the characteristics of anaerobically
digested effluent of chicken manure,bio—chemical treatment combined with
physical—chemical process was used to treat the biogas slurry.In
addition,effects of three different processes combination method were
investigated.First,bench scale experiment was carried out to determine the
optimal operation parameters,and then pilot scale devices were introduced to
examine theeffect of the process.Results showed when using
struvite—SBR—coagulation process treating anaerobically digested effluent of
chicken manure,CODc,decreased from 9 200 mg/L tO 280 mg/L,NH4*-N decreased from
3 200 mg/L to 36 mg/L,TP decreased from 270 mg/L tO 3.3 mg/L,finally the
effluent met the standard GB 18596--2001.To remove NH4-N in chicken manure
slurry,pretreatment is essential.Because of inhibition of free ammonia to
microorganism,NH4"一N removal rate is less than 30%while using SBR directly
treating chicken manure slurry.Biodegradability of anaerobically digested
effluent of chicken manure is good,but the amount of refractory CODc。is
considerable.Using bio—chemical treatment combined with physical·chemical
advanced process can meet the discharging standard with lower cost.
words :Chicken manure,Biogas slurry,Anaerobic fermentation,Up-to—standard
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